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How to choose the right pressure washer?

20230619 DHF 1236
Proper cleaning
Start by choosing the right pressure washer

High-pressure cleaners are used in many areas. Ranging from daily cleaning in the food industry to washing areas and cleaning terraces and facades. Hydropower has a pressure washer available for all these applications.

But which pressure washer is suitable for which application? The most important thing here is to choose a cleaner with the right working pressure, water flow and temperature. In this article, we explain how to do that. But how does a 'high-pressure' cleaner actually work?

How does a 'high-pressure' cleaner work?

In 'high-pressure' cleaning technology, "plunger pumps" are used to move water from low to high pressure. The high-pressure pump consists of a driving and water-feeding section, where 3 plungers are mechanically driven. On the suction stroke, the inlet valve opens, filling the space in front of the plunger with water. On the discharge stroke, the plunger forces this water volume through the discharge valve to the discharge side of the pump. Each plunger stroke always moves the same volume of water per plunger. The greater the drive speed, the more strokes per minute, the greater the water yield.

What is the "working pressure" of a pressure washer?

The force with which the pressure washer sprays water is indicated in "bar". For your information, 1 bar corresponds to the weight of 1 kg on every square cm or to 10 metres of water column. This pressure must be set so that no damage is caused to the surface to be cleaned during a cleaning operation. With an industrial pressure washer, one can use very high pressure to remove paint or road stripes with ease, for example, and it is also used purposefully to clean ship hulls.

A pressure washer uses the working pressure to remove the contamination and the water to wash away the contamination. When a fouling is difficult to remove, it sounds logical to increase the working pressure. This is not possible in all cases and depends on the surface. We don't want to damage these either. This depends on several factors, a higher water yield, higher temperature and/or adding a cleaning agent can bring a solution.

20230619 DHF 1382

What workload do you choose?

Often the "working pressure" in bar is leading in the purchase decision, this comes from the application. The overview below gives an indication of the desired working pressure and for which type of job:

  • Terrace cleaning: 45 to 50 bar
  • Chewing gum removal : 45 to 50 bar
  • Graffiti & paint removal: 120 to 250 bar
  • Vehicle cleaning: 120 to 250 bar
  • Removal of posters and stickers: 120 to 250 bar
  • Facade cleaning: 120 to 250 bar
  • General high-pressure cleaning: up to 350 bar
  • Industrial cleaning: 350 to 500 bar

What capacity do you choose?

In addition, you can choose the water yield of the pump, shown in litres/minute. The water yield and working pressure reinforce each other and are shown in Newton (kilograms). This is the reaction force coming out of the spray nozzle. The formula for this is: (ltr/min : 600 ) x √ (200 x bar) = reaction force in Kg.


In this example, High-pressure trailer Hudson 350 has significantly more reaction force so greater cleaning power.

How can Waterkracht help?

Waterpower can advise you on the right working pressure tailored to the surface and in choosing the right water flow rate. You'll prevent damage and be on the right cleaning path. View our range of high-pressure cleaners or contact Waterkracht for no-obligation advice.