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Nedmag: 3,000 metres into the ground with innovative pumping plant

Nedmag, a leading company in salt mining, implemented two new pumping plants from Waterkracht for more efficient magnesium chloride extraction. This case describes Nedmag's challenges, Waterkracht's solutions and the results of the latest salt extraction site.

The collaboration

  • Collaboration since 2011
  • World-wide supplier of high-quality magnesium products
  • New pumping plants implemented in 2023
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Our client

About Nedmag B.V.

Nedmag, based in Veendam, extracts high-quality magnesium chloride from a unique salt layer at a depth of 3,000 metres, a remnant of the Zechstein Sea. With three locations in the Netherlands, Nedmag produces various products, such as Dead Burned Magnesia (DBM), magnesium hydroxide and calcium chloride.

These products are used worldwide for refractory bricks, paper pulp and smoothing. But also within sectors such as the food, cosmetic and medical industries. Thanks to its own R&D department and laboratory, Nedmag guarantees the highest quality for customers in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia.

For salt extraction, Nedmag works with special pumping plants that reach depths of up to 3,000 metres. These installations pump water to the surface, dissolve the salt layer and then extract it. The raw material is then processed into finished products at the plant. A slow and precise process, where extreme precision is of great importance.

The challenges

A new salt extraction site required two new pumping plants: a 24/7 operative plant and a back-up. These had to meet the following conditions:

  • Saving installations
    The existing machines were large. Smaller installations save on construction costs.

  • Maintenance-friendly & long life
    One of the two pumping plants runs 24/7. This calls for ease of maintenance and a long service life.

  • No perceptible vibrations
    The pumping was not allowed to cause vibrations or noise in the surrounding area.

Our approach

Nedmag knew exactly what specifications were needed for the installations. In one conversation, all the requirements became clear and the process began at Waterkracht.

The drawings of the new site were the start of the process. This way, we knew exactly where the machines were going to be located and how the infrastructure of the water pipes was put together.

We selected the HDP800 as the pump for installation:

  • The new installation needs half as much space as the old one.
  • The installation consists of 30% fewer parts - making it much more maintenance-friendly!
  • This pump is powered with 540 kW and ensures minimal power consumption with frequency controls.
  • The system vibrates minimally: a 2 euro coin remains upright during the pumping process.
  • The new plant is -expected to last up to 25 years, making it more efficient than the old plant.
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Nedmag's new plant is running at full speed! The entire process -from the pumps to the site and piping- is running 'like clockwork'.

Good service is of great importance for installations that operate day and night and need to be precise. That is why Nedmag's specialists carry out maintenance themselves. Waterkracht trained these people and gradually transferred all maintenance work to them. Is Nedmag unable to do it itself? Then Waterkracht's team is ready with a suitable solution.