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20180713 DHF 3255
Professional weed control

Hot water weed control

Weed control is easy and environmentally friendly with Waterkracht's solutions. Our patented Boiling Hot Water Technology® removes unwanted weeds quickly and effectively, without the use of chemicals.

Environmentally friendly and effective

Why control weeds with boiling hot water?

Since 31 March 2016, it has been banned for professional users to use chemical pesticides on pavements. This ban was introduced to improve water quality and protect human health.

This is why you should use alternative, environmentally friendly pesticides.

Research has shown that hot water is most effective. Hot water has much higher thermal conductivity than steam or hot air. With just 3 to 4 treatments per season, you achieve the most efficient results at the best value for money.

This is confirmed by several studies, such as from the University of Ghent:

  • Best results with low treatment frequency
  • Only 4 treatments per year (compared to 8 with hot air/burn methods)
  • Lower weed pressure throughout the year

Constant temperature at any pressure

Best results with Boiling Hot Water Technology® from Waterkracht

Hot water is thus most effective in weed control. Actually, it is nothing new: people used to pour potatoes down the pavement to kill weeds... And the hotter the water, the better the result: in fact, most weeds are 2-6 times more sensitive to 98°C water than to 78°C or 88°C water.

  • The best result at the lowest cost
    Hot water weed control is more effective than other non-chemical methods (such as burning, hot air or mechanical techniques). This saves on costs and time.

  • Fight all types of weeds, including moss and algae
    The Boiling Hot Water Technique® removes not only weeds, but also moss and algae.

  • Without fire hazard or potential infrastructure damage
    Heated Hot Water Control eliminates the risk of fire hazards and prevents mechanical damage to surfaces.

This is why we would like to introduce you to our patented Boiling Hot Water Technique®, the most effective alternative method for weed control.

How does the Boiling Hot Water Technology® work?

We take you back in time: to the 1990s, when we were at the cradle of this technology.

In New Zealand, they used an innovative method: controlling weeds with hot water and foam. In collaboration, we developed this technique further, anticipating the imminent ban on glyphosate. Our first tests in Utrecht immediately led to complaints from residents: the biodegradable foam ended up in the canals. We therefore quickly switched to pure boiling hot water.

This technique proved effective: the boiling water -at a constant temperature of 99°C- destroys the plant's proteins, preventing it from surviving. Thus we pioneered a new way of controlling weeds in Europe, which we have since integrated into an extensive product line.

For professional and municipal applications

Discover our WeedMaster machines

Waterkracht's WeedMaster product line feature the unique Boiling Hot Water Technology®. The machines are ideally suited for both professional and municipal applications, such as:

  • Organic farming and cultivation of organic crops
  • Municipal weed control, especially where the use of herbicides is restricted/banned
  • Controlling weeds on (semi-)paved areas
  • Removing moss and algae

In addition to controlling weeds at constant temperature, our machines are also suitable as pressure washers. They also use alternative fuels such as HVO100.

The WeedMaster product line for weed control

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Want to know more about hot water weed control?

Contact us for tailored advice and find out how our solutions can optimise your weed control.